Microlearning :
The Ultimate Guide (2022)

"Bite sized learning', 'nuggets'... looking at the terminology "microlearning", makes you hungry. in any case, the idea is generally understood: This refers to small bits of learning that are easily understandable.
likening the microlearning concept to fast food is somewhat limiting, as microlearning has real virtues, unique features and its own mechanisms. To understand the
reasons for the success of microlearning,details of the concept and the challenges,let's dive right into this comprehensive guide to the world of microlearning. 

Chapter I

What is microlearning ?

microlearning is used in our daily lives. for instance when we use Google search to find answers to questions about DIY or cooking, or when we read informative articles, watch tutorial videos on Youtube to learn how to change a guitar string. Microlearning can be in form of text, video, infographics or podcasts... it doesn't matter what the form it is,the aim of a microlearning action is to get necessary informations, when we need them.Microlearning is a process of learning that is part of our everyday life, and it is particularly available when needed (on-demand learning). 

In the great world of
elearning, microlearning is considered to be one of the most popular training formats,it is time efficient and less expensive to produce compared to the "traditional" e-learning approach. It is considered to be effective in corporate and business trainings. It is also suitable for digital onboarding of new hires.

Microlearning does not have an official description, but it is clear that all courses based on microlearning have the same feature: The learnings are based on a series of short learning activities that are completed in a short period of time, generally less than 10 minutes and averagely between 2 and 5 minutes. 

Microlearning offers short training contents, so that learners can study at their own pace and at time. This is what makes it the preferred e-learning format for mobile learning, as it gives access to training content from anywhere, at any time and on any device, based on the ATAWAD (AnyTime - AnyWhere - Any Device) model.
Microlearning and mobile learning have both adapted to the modern learning styles, thus making them a perfect fit for each other. 

What does microlearning entail? 

Microlearning can take different forms. There are texts but in the form of short sentences, images, photos or illustrations, short videos, audio extracts or mini-podcasts. They may also be in form of tests, quizzes or games. 

Microlearning is based on scientific knowledge. It uses spaced retrieval, a well-proven method of boosting retention. it is achieved by breaking down learning topics into smaller bits that can be easily understood, repeating them with adequate spacing in between lessons.
This learning technique gives learners retentive memory capabilities thereby making microlearning suitable for acquiring technical skills.


What Microlearning is not? 

Microlearning may be a short format, but it is not a summarized version of a course or a long training program. while it may be used in a revision context, it provides a highly organized approach to training and makes retention easy. Microlearning is not just about breaking down a 10-hour training course into small pieces. It is an action based approach, that offer learning in bits to allow people to learn, act and practice at the same time.

We can compare this learning approach with the music world. Originally music formats were long, with symphonies that could exceed one hour, then this approach evolved and books appeared, replacing hour-long pieces with 5 minutes tracks (microlearning), arranged one by one in a single book (learning path).

What is its purpose??

According to Deloitte, employees say that they can only devote 1% of a working week to training and development.
Given this information, it seems that microlearning is the best way to exploit this availability.

The purpose of microlearning is to enable learners to understand, assimilate and acquire knowledge on specific subjects. Unlike the traditional approach, where learning content is broken into long pieces of subjects or topic, microlearning aims to boost understanding by breaking down these subjects into smaller and comprehensible parts(called nuggets). 

As explained above, microlearning is not the summary of a training content.Microlearning is not the same as e-learning. In fact, in a context of acquisition of knowledge and when used with an extensive training program, microlearning offers a different approach ,makes learning interactive and ensures better retention of information for the learner. 

Microlearning presents training contents in interactive formats that engage the user. This is done by focusing on relevant information rather than broader concepts. It encourages engagement and is suitable for a wide range of training styles.

Chapter II

A brief history microlearning

Although bite-sized training has grown in popularity over the years, it was not created overnight. The concept even pre-dates computers.The arrival of smartphone and it‘s possession by the average person, has been the major drive of success for microlearning, and this has resulted in the creation of microlearning platforms that could be seen as a link between Twitter and Instagram.

The term microlearning dates back to 2002, but the origin existed much earlier. The idea of learning in a series of small phases has had an impact on societies over the world. Indeed, it is this form of 'step-by-step' learning that has made cultural evolution possible. 

Some writers reported the first examples of microlearning as early as the human history, when bones, stones and woods were used to carve and draw, which were the adopted memory storage at the time. would the drawings on the walls of Lascaux have had a learning function? it can be called Microlearning inform of a  drawing.

The timeline of microlearning

this timeline was proposed by an educational designer called, Lauren Elizabeth Freeman, we are tracing it back to history.
First because understanding the history of learning is key to a deeper insight into the usefulness and functioning of microlearning as a method of teaching.
Secondly because it feels good to be reminded of some of the good times in history classes.

Pre-history - The First Men 

The first humans were able to survive on insticts : knowing how to gather food, what was edible or inedible, what the dangerous elements were etc...
The transfer of this knowledge was important for the preservation of our breed. the knowledge transfer had to be simple,crucial and short, but most importantly, it had to be remembered.  

470 - 399 BC - Socrates: learning in small stages

At the inception of disciplines such as grammar, rhetoric, dialectics and geometry, it has been proven that the method used by teachers was that of "small steps".
Socrates was one of the first teachers to use this method of teaching. He taught step by step, introducing new ideas and concepts in an interactive process, where students were called upon to communicate with each other.

428 - 348 BC - Plato and the structuring of knowledge

Plato was also instrumental in defining the structure of knowledge and he focused on the interests of students. This was a step towards improving the delivery of knowledge.

1225-1274 - St Thomas Aquinas

A great leap in history. According to scholars, philosopher and cleric, Thomas Aquinas contributed to the development of microlearning, he noted that the teachings of God were "brief and clear". He developed a system that listed debates for every question. Each debate was labelled with either 'confirmed' or 'refuted'. In his theories, there was a form of arguement in every stage of learning.

1592-1670 - Comenius

Johann Amos Comenius, the Great Teacher of the 17th century, devoted his life to the development of teaching methods. According to him, life-long learning must be carried out in gradual steps. Learning's should proceed slowly, step by step, from simple to more challenging tasks.  This learning approach makes it possible to link bits of knowledge with larger contexts. Today, this process is being referred to as a training plan.

1712- 1778 - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

It took 200 years for Jean-Jacques Rousseau to develop a new approach in education would affect the 20th century in a sustainable way. According to him, learners should pursue their curiosities while trainers should follow the children's way of learning and behaviour to unite the learning environment. Here the learner becomes a key player in the learning process.

1920- 1950 - Burrhus Frederic Skinner

B.F. Skinner, the American psychologist and thinker is the founder of the Learning Programme. This approach is the modification of the step-by-step method of learning.
In this context, learners are given tasks to complete. in order acquire a skill, students would have to go through a series of steps. Each step is small enough to be completed quickly and proceed to the next step. At the end of this progression, the skill or desired behaviour is achieved. 

The birth of information society

The information society we know today was created as a result of man's desire to overcome the challenge of lack of information that existed throughout history. With the increase in the amount of information globally available, an upgrade of its usage and acquisition has become a challenge.

Today's social transformation

Today we are part of a social transformation where information and communication has become globally extensive. The Internet is used universally as a means of accessing information across all areas. The transition from non availability of information to its availability is one of the major reasons why it is imperative to make learning an important part of our daily activity. 
This is the challenge that microlearning addresses.


Chapter III

Advantages and disadvantages of microlearning

According to a survey by Campaign for Leaning, 8 out of 10 trainers prefered microlearning because it is the adopted learning method for their student's. Microlearning is proving to be an efficient subtitude to eLearning courses because it allows students to understand quickly and complete several activities. They retain the subject better because the method is easily understandable.
Now Let's discover the strengths and limitations of microlearning. 

What are the advantages of microlearning?

microlearning enhances knowledge retention.

find below the four main reasons why microlearning promotes knowledge retention among learners: 

  • Spaced learning and repetition: Learning a topic once is not enough. Learners need constant reminders of their knowledge to be able to retain it. The spaced repetition offered by microlearning boosts memory retention. Repetition ensures that the training content remains in the memory long after the end of a training programme.
  • Scenario-based challenges  : Scenario-based learning makes training more engaging. It places people in real work situations, challenging them to put their newly acquired knowledge to practice before real time challenges arise on the job. This learning context is inspiring, makes learners more attentive and thus improves knowledge retention. 
  • Instant feedback: Microlearning provides immediate feedback to the learner. They can see in real time their strengths and weaknesses as regards their knowledge, which means they can immediately repeat a module they have failed.
    We do better when we learn from our mistakes. 
  • Game mechanisms to stimulate motivation and interest: A key reason microlearning enhances retention of training content is that it often integrates game-like features. From earning points to competing with other learners in quizzes and challenges, the entertaining and interactive nature of microlearning helps to keep learners engaged which in turn improves their retentive ability.

Microlearning empowers learners

Microlearning allows learners to benefit from Formal learning at their own pace. Also because of the short format, it prevents the learning process from being interupted before completion. Microlearning can be used at any time and can easily be integrated into the learner's work, especially when a new skill or knowledge needs to be included in a given situation.

The independence this Method of learning earning gives is also due to the possibility of being able to learn from any device, either a smartphone, a computer or tablet,,This is done through an application whose design is similar to what they use on a daily basis. They do not necessarily need to connect to an LMS (Learning management system) 

Microlearning enables a more personalized learning experience

These portions of microlearning can be integrated into a training programme in a flexible way, giving learners the choice of what they want to learn, when they want to learn it and their preferred device. Some solutions even offer customized learning, depending on the learner's specialty, level and the rate at which they assimilate. 

New employees may have access to the introductory modules for beginners, business experts may have access to advanced courses to enhance their skill... The possibilities are endless.Personalization is a fundamental component of professional trainings

 Microlearning provides a variety of formats

learners presently live in a world of media that is filled with contents, from websites to games, applications and social media. Microlearning makes use of these resources by combining them together to create an ideal format for mobile learning.

 Microlearning is the ideal formula for mobile learning

Mobile learning is the most diverse platform for learning, offering both formal and informal learning opportunities. With a population whose attentive capacity keeps decreasing, microlearning combined with mobile learning is proving to have an impressive engagement rate. 


Microlearning is particularly suited to real-time learning

Just In Time learning (JIT), is real time learning. Just like its name suggests, it refers to a situation where the learner has to learn something at the time it is needed at the workplace.
This includes, technical gestures. 


The fasted format to develop 

The short nature of microlearning courses makes them one of the easiest and fastest formats to produce. It takes just few minutes to design a Learning tool. This short development cycle means lower costs and faster turn-around times for organisations. The speed of design supports easy adoption and modification to meet changing training needs. 


It is a low cost format

A microlearning course is cheaper to produce than a classroom-based training, for example. With microlearning you will have no need to use too many resources, as the training is taken by the learners themselves, without the need for a trainer.There is no need for any specific tool to create microlearning; it can be done on an LMS (Learning Management System). Nonetheless, a platform that specializes in this type of training may provide more possibilities. 

It is an engaging format

According to a report by Software Advice, (The LMS Features that Drive Employee Engagement),Microlearning is said to generate a 50% increase in engagement. According to respondents, not only are longer courses more difficult to assimilate, but studying them interferes with daily work.


Microlearning also has its constraints

It is not suitable for learning complicated subjects.

Microlearning modules are created to deliver simple contents, so complex contents can be quite difficult to put in a microlearning context. but it is doable if the contents are broken down into smaller parts.

It is not appropriate for every type of education or training

In cases of subjects that very detailed studies, microlearning may not be the best approach. To take a concrete example,it can easily be used to learn conversational English, but it will be difficult to learn English as an academic subject in a mobile learning platform. This is why it was stated at the beginning of this guide that it is effective for corporate and business trainings.


Chapter IV

5 good reasons to use microlearning

Microlearning is becoming successful in virtually all areas of education and training, ranging from tertiary education to retail applications. A good reason why microlearning is suitable for corporate contexts is that It addresses issues relating to both employers and employees.

1. Responding to the problem of short attention span

There is an interesting rule about human attention span: the 90/20/8 rule. According to this rule, people are fully attentive during the first 8 minutes of a training session. After 20 minutes, their attention span begins to decline.
Once it reaches 60-120 minutes, the attention drops completely.

It is understandable that in a learning context, a structure such as microlearning, with sequences of 3 to 5 minutes, makes the least attentive learner have just one session.

2. Fighting the forgetting curve

The  forgetting curve is a theory that is based on the assumption that memory declines over time. If the brain does not try to retain an information, it will eventually be lost with time. 
Taking a look at the graph of the forgetting curve, it is clear that new information acquired from a training or a learning experience is reduced by 50% in the first few days of the learning process. Unless learning is supported, about 80% of what we have learnt is forgotten in 30 days. That's a lot of wasted training time! Microlearning helps to address this problem by regularly reminding us of the relevant informations in simple and easy to learn formats. 

3. Facilitating the onboarding of employees

Many onboarding courses are long, with lots of information, and do not offer the needed skills and knowledge.
Today, many employees do not feel they are being properly integrated by their employer. 
Most times, when new employees take up a job, they need to be briefed immediately, irrespective of where they work, either in an office, in sales, on a building site or in a laboratory. New employees do not have the time or attention spans for lengthy onboarding sessions. Microlearning can address this problem by providing them with just the required information at the right time. 

4. Find previous training contents easily

Searching for information in a 20-page PDF, a textbook or notes in a notebook is time consuming. Employees do not have that time to waste on searching for training related information. In a corporate environment, professional training must be sustained even after it is delivered. As explained above, most of the contents taught during trainings are forgotten. Microlearning addresses this problem by providing only relevant information that can easily be retained.

5. Many employees have little time for training

Some companies allocate a budget and time to each employee for training and skills acquisition. But this is not the case in every company. employees don't have a lot of time for training, some of them actually train at their own time, on skills relating to their jobs. This is not productive as work/life balance is becoming a challenge..Taking out time for career and skills development is key to improving job performance, employee satisfaction and motivation. In this context, microlearning can be adopted to suit work schedules, enabling everyone to choose the training time that works best for them.

Chapter V

How to integrate microlearning into the professional training ?

Microlearning can be used in a wide range of professional training settings. Here are the key examples of its use. 

Using microlearning in a blended learning context

Within the scope of ablended learning strategy, microlearning can help learners put into practice what they have learnt. being trained for hours is not enough, practice and repititon of some of the topics can help in retaining knowledge for a long period. Microlearning supports this approach through its evaluation tool. Quizzes, exercises or games allow the learners to test themselves, as often as they wish and at any time.  

When used in blended learning, microlearning can also be a useful tool especially when employees are expected to apply their skills and knowledge on the job.
With a user-friendly interface, learning contents can be accessed on demand. Finally, it enables skill acquisition and longer retention time..  

Use before a training session

Microlearning can be used to prepare learners ahead of a training session just either spark their interests or to introduce them to some of the concepts that will be applied in a classroom or group sessions.
for instance a pre training microlearning course may include introductory videos or quizzes to evaluate the skills of learners before their training begins. microlearning can sometimes be used to review the background information needed for the training. 

Use after training

After a classroom or online session, microlearning can be used to reaffirm what has been learnt. A recap of key concepts can be made available to learners to test themselves or review as and when needed. The available contents such as audio, video, assessments, and even gamification can be used as retention tools and help address the challenges of the "forgetting curve

Using microlearning in an onboarding context 

The onboarding of new employees should be fast and efficient. most importantly, it is a crucial moment in the career path of the employee and can have an impact on retention. A poor onboarding process can have same effect as a bad first date, which can make people unwilling to return. But if it is done well, chances that the employee will demonstrate a higher level of commitment to the company are high.
Onboarding prepares employees to assume their position in the most effective way. Microlearning, in this context, efficiently provides training content that covers the main points the employees need to learn, in an engaging and fun way. 

There are several ways to use microlearning as part of onboarding new employees:

Risk and compliance training

Reducing risk and compliance training to the barest minimum is like reducing it to a list of do's and don'ts. Microlearning can be used to create a series of contents for topics, such as safety, workplace ethics, and environmental guidelines in form of short cards, videos, or visual presentations. At the end of the course,the employee can then test themselves to prove they have acquired the information.  

Product training

Microlearning is a fast way to train employees on the company's products or services, and it is well suited for the retail sector. Even if the employee is a sales representative for a ready-to-wear brand, a consultant in a service company or a product designer, microlearning introduces them to what they should know about the company's offer, and allows them to return to it at any time if necessary. 

Introduction to the teams 

It is easy for an employee to feel lost in a new environment, with new colleagues. This feeling can get even worse when it's a bigger company. Some people are more comfortable than others in this type of situation, adapting to the new environment, identifying who the employees are especially the middle and top management team can be challenging.
Microlearning can provide the opportunity to introduce the new hires to their colleagues. Each employee and manager can introduce themselves, for example, on a card, using a short text or a short video containing the details of their roles. This makes life easier for the new employees, and creates a welcoming and friendly image of the company.

Introducing the culture of the company

Microlearning can be an excellent way of introducing new employees to the general policy and culture of the company. Modules can address diverse topics such as the appropriate mode of conduct and dress code, the use of office equipment, leave policy, career and mobility support policy and the organizational structure.

 Microlearning On-demand in the workplace

One of the most overlooked advantages of microlearning is that it can take place on a workday. This advantage gives employees the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real-time, when its required.
An article by the Association for Talent Development (ATD) states, "One of the greatest powers of short-learning learning is that it can meet business targets and training needs, without interrupting the flow of business. Instead keeping employees from their jobs for an hour or two of training, they can be given small pieces of contents that they can study when they are required and when time permits.

“Just in time”

In a professional training context, "just in time learning " is an effective use of microlearning. The idea is basically to give employees the access to training contents or information when it is most needed. This is usually just before they start an important task or one which they are not familiar with. Smartphones and internet connectivity make microlearning the most effective solution to situational learning. 

Instant application

From searching their mobile learning application for specific topics to scanning a QR code to view a tutorial, the goal is to give learners the ability have quick access to the relevant informations that they instantly need to implement. Another advantage of this training method is that the theoretical learning is immediately followed by the practical application under actual working situations, so there is a high chance that the skills will not be easily forgotten.

Microlearning in distance learning

In addition to being the ideal solution to problems associated with classroom trainings, microlearning also provides better time management for distance learning. These days, employees are loaded with contents. Be it work-related content, training content, Internet and social media content; In an e-learning environment, it can easily become overwhelming to take long courses and retain them all.

Long training courses require learners to take in lots of information, then sort out what they consider to be the most valuable for them to retain.
knowing that they have to do the same work all the time when surfing the Internet, sorting out what they need to know and what they don't,you can already tell that keeping a learner engaged at a distance using a long format is extremely difficult. And remember, the forgetting curve is always just around the corner. 

Distance learners don't need so many content, they only need the right content. This calls for a change in the design and delivery of learning contents. Microlearning is the right answer in this context. 

The design of the content in the form of scenario-based exercises helps to identify the key concepts that are then converted into shorter and easy to learn formats. The ability to split up microlearning modules helps learners to assimilate the information gradually and at their own pace, rather than having to deal with all the information at same time. Microlearning also helps to keep learners engaged even in a remote setting.

Chapter VI

13 steps to creating an impactful microlearning course

1. Know your learners 

Before starting to design a microlearning course, there are some basic requirements that must be met. First, you need to know who your target audience are. Are the learners familiar with digital technology? What are their expectations from the training? Are there features they value more than others in their current training program?

Knowing your learners also means having a look at the context of their learning. Do they work on site or in an office, on the field,working remotely or co-working? Before taking any action, it is advisable to do a survey of the potential beneficiaries, if possible, since they will be the first pertakers of the training.

2. Determine a specific learning objective 

it is advisable to know precisely your aim before launching. What type of training need do you intend to meet? Is it a primary need? In the area of professional training in a companies, it is important to consider the employment and skills management strategy (GPEC) so as to pinpoint the skills that are in demand. 

The objective is for the learn to gain knowledge at the end of the training

3. Setting up a framework 

Designing 10 long sessions of conventional training may be easier to some people than creating hundred capsules of microlearning training.   However, it would be easy if each capsule is designed according to a plan that states in detail how the modules are linked and their objectives.

Setting up a structure for the way each module is connected helps to give clarity in the development of microlearning modules and guarantees the smooth running of the course. There are several ways of achieving this: some users may prefer the traditional pen and paper approach, while some may prefer to use digital tools.
those who prefer to use digital tools have a variety of online mapping tools that enables teamwork, even from a distance. 

4. Determine performance indicators 

The Golden rule of KPIs'. It may sound catchy to some people, but if there is anything that digital technology has changed, it is the ability to to monitor, measure and evaluate any and everything. Performance indicators are the most valuable assets in training, especially microlearning. How can a training be improved if it cannot be measured? 

The performance indicator is used to check if the level of the training content is suitable for the learners, and also if some modules are performing poorly compared to others. 
figures are not always reliable, so it is important to use qualitative and quantitative evaluation data, especially for the questionnaires that are given to the learners at the end of the course.

5 - Choosing the right formats and varying them

Is there any existing format that functions well? Do the training contents suit one format better than the other? It is also important to consider the varying format used to organise the modules, such as videos, quizzes, infographics, etc. There are so many options and the creativity is limitless. The inclusion of multimedia content is an effective way to keep the learner engaged, ensure retention and provide a lasting learning experience. 

Video, images and infographics have a visual effect that creates a strong impression on the learner.  for example, a text or narration in a mini-podcast, can support retention. Interactive demonstrations ensure that learners stay active in their training, while quizzes and challenges allow them to apply their knowledge in a fun way. 

6. Applying the "learning by doing" concept 

The "traditional" or SCORM training (a technical description for eLearning software products), used on most LMS platforms cannot be used in a microlearning context. in the same vein, adding a layer of activity or video to a training that has been divided into short chapters does not make it microlearning. 

"Learning by doing" is the essence of microlearning; learners are expected to apply the concepts and information provided in the capsules as the training progresses. To achieve this, microlearning training must engage learners in their training process. This is the reason why quizzes and challenges are used in this learning format. Microlearning encourages the learners to measure their progress and to validate also validate their learning. 

7. Differentiate between the "need to know" and “nice to know” content 

Microlearning is all about being concise. With leess than 10 short sessions, you don't need to worry about unnecessary details. A "traditional" training programme enables you to elaborate on the content by including details, short stories, contexts, etc. In microlearning, the focus is precise: what you need to remember. 

The challenge in designing a microlearning module is how to shorten the training content to make it as brief as possible. It is easy to know if a sentence or detail is necessary. What you need to do is ask, "If this sentence or feature is deleted, will the message remain the same?" If yes, then element can be deleted. 

This does not mean that certain details cannot be expantiated. For instance, it is possible to add links that allow for an in-depth study of a topic or topics, if the learner feels the need to do so.

8. How to optimize for mobile

As earlier explained, microlearning is suitable for learning on-the-go because of its format. Thus,it is only logical that the mobile device suits it perfectly, since it is also used on-the-go.

When developing a microlearning course, it should be considered that the usage is primarily mobile, regardless of the fact that some learners also use microlearning on a computer. This means that the layout must be visually appealing, user-friendly and suitable for use on a smartphone screen, and appropriate for mobile Internet connections. 

9. Choosing the right mobile learning platform 

Luckily, you don't need to be a training engineer to start using microlearning. 
A microlearning course can easily be developed through a specialized platform, that provides the appropriate resources and enables the development of specific modules for microlearning. Such is also the case with mobile learning platforms.

Mobile learning platforms are typically fast and flexible mechanisms that allows quick creation of modules and real-time improvements to be made. Some platforms also allow learners to create modules by themselves, in the context of social learning (we're almost there). 

10. The use of social learning 

Here we go. Social learning  has a track record of encouraging the retention of information. It is similar to peer learning, which has also been proven. The use of social learning in a professional training context is based on the premise that business experts are the most qualified to convey knowledge or competencies as they are familiar with them.

Some microlearning platforms offer learners the possibility of creating microlearning modules themselves and this can be done by using videos to explain a technical skill. 

11. Using gamification

If social learning is the perfect match for  Gamification, then Gamification is its left arm and vice versa. Games are not just for pleasure or recreation anymore. Gamification has taken over all aspect of life, even in the workplace. Training is not an exception and for a good reason, it helps to achieve a record level of user engagement. 

Gamification in microlearning is similar to a system of points, badges or rankings, which allows the learner to track his or her own progress in the training and get instant feedback. One point means success and no point means starting over. Combined with microlearning format, gamification gives the training a purpose and a goal. 

In a social learning context, gamification also allows learners to challenge one another, especially through quizzes. 

12. Measure, test, adjust and renew

Another phrase that is worth mentioning: monitoring performance indicators in real time is important to promptly identify outdated or low-performing modules.. To keep high engagement rates with microlearning, content must be regularly updated, tested and competed. 

With learners globally in demand in terms of work and personal life, training has to compete with a wide range of content to attract and retain the attention of the learners. 

13. Communication

The last point is almost like the basics: sometimes the most effective microlearning course maybe available on the training platform but If the learner is unaware of it, he or she will probably never see it. 

Each time a new module or course is available, learners should be notified. Most of the platforms are connected to the work environment and enable real-time notifications, a feature that must not be neglected in order to keep the engagement rates high.

Chapter VII

How microlearning will influence the future of work?

According to a 2020 study cited by IBM amongst others, the microlearning market is expected to grow at a rate of 14.2% over the forecast period of 2021 to 2026. The use of microlearning is becoming more common in the workplace, educational institutions and the home. 
According to the Institute of Applied Behavioral Science's learning pyramid model, the traditional learning methods based on listening, reading and observing are becoming obsolete. Only 20% to 30% of the information is retained by the learners. Microlearning, on the other hand, has achieved much higher results. 

The microlearning market is growing for several reasons 

The acceptance and opportunities of the digital platform have been the major drive for the market, as it provides microlearning platforms with the necessary tool to address the challenges of evolving and refining that are encountered on "traditional" learning sites. 

More and more platforms and LMSs have incorporated microlearning into their offers and will continue to do so.

The younger generation have an increased demand for flexibility in both learning and workplace. In addition, the changes in the labor market have led to an increase in freelance workers, who take on projects with different companies. As a result, these freelancers have become a target audience for microlearning solution providers, as their training needs are continual.

The Covid-19 pandemic forced schools, universities and workplaces to temporarily close and introduce e-learning solutions to ensure continuity in education and training. 

The next challenge for companies: identifying motivators for learning

Motivate, motivate, motivate. If there is constant challenge for companies, it is definitely to keep employees motivated in their jobs and in trainings, which sometimes require a steady level of motivation. With jobs that are evolving rapidly, positions becoming more valuable due to the increased use of technology for basic tasks, the need for training is continuing to grow.

BJ Fogg, a behavioral psychologist, is the one who developed the theory of motivational waves. According to him, human motivation is driven by waves. When the wave is high, motivation is at its peak and we can achieve the most difficult tasks. When the wave is low, motivation is at its lowest and one avoids complicated tasks. it turns out that what motivates us changes constantly. 

However, motivation is not completely predictable. There are some triggers, particularly in a learning context, that open up motivational stages, in which employees are ready and eager to learn and change their behavior. These phases can last for several months, for instance when taking on a new position or responsibility, working on a new project, or even when faced with an unexpected or an unfamiliar task. 

With microlearning, companies will be able to easily address pressing needs for training, customize and promote training contents according to these motivational waves in order to maximize feedback and retention of information. 

The line between work and training is becoming increasingly blurred

Moving on, APIs allow companies to integrate the learning experience into the daily work life of their employees in a seamless way. The new generation of Learning Platforms now includes a variety of organisational data, HRM systems, CRMs, communication tools and productivity applications to determine where and when trainings are needed. As a result, Henceforth, companies will be able to become more specific in the delivery of training content to their employees.

In addition, microlearning platforms are offering a growing number of learning experiences that are integrated into the daily work routine, so that skills can be acquired when needed, without the learner requesting them.

Microlearning as part of superlearning 

There is a new concept introduced recently by Deloitte that we may encounter in the coming years: superlearning. 

According to a Deloitte report from June 2020, a learning transformation is needed. It will focus on the permanent connection between re-skilling, up-skilling and out-skilling on one hand, and 'real' work on the other. For Deloitte these are two sides of a coin.The challenge will be preparing for the future of learning and superlearning, which will focus on skills and competencies at individual, team and organisational levels. It will be data-driven and will integrate learning into the workforce across all business functions. This transformation involves a number of steps as detailed in the report, leading ultimately to Shaping a superb workforce: resilient and adaptable to any challenge of the present and the future.

In the report, microlearning is the focus of the third stage of transformation. This third area of transformation focuses on the user's expectation in terms of learning opportunities. It must be available on the go, on any device. This idea is summarised in the notion of the "Personal Learning Cloud", first introduced by Mihnea Moldoveanu, a professor at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, and Das Narayandas, a professor at the Harvard Business School. They gave the same definition: Personal Learning Clouds are "customisable learning environments through platforms and applications that personalise contents based on roles and the demands of the organisations.

With superlearning, the Personal Learning Cloud concept would be broadened to integrate learning into a digitized work process and environment. Today, the market for training solution providers include platforms that offer interactive e-learning content and skills enhancement paths that are personalised, socialised, monitored and in some cases contextualised. For the learners, these personalised microlearning solutions are based on information from a comprehensive set of data on skills, learning and performance.